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Join date : 2023-04-27

17.02.24 news Empty 17.02.24 news

Sat Feb 17, 2024 8:34 pm
Dear subscribers,
We have great news:

1. We partnered with a career coach, Randall O., from Chicago, to help you understand better the US job market for no degree and degree candidates. On the 25th of February, Randall will lecture on US job options for future immigrants. Only 99 slots are available, be the first to book!

Randall can also help you prepare for a job interview, check your resume, and conduct a mock interview.\

2. We are happy to share with you free access to our work visa courses:
Unskilled US Work Visas for Temporal Work

USA Immigration: Skilled Immigrant Visas + Investment Visas

Only 100 slots are available for each course!
Please review the course after taking it, thank you!

3. We are working on providing international loans and funding options for those in need. We will keep you updated.

4. We found an H-2 Visa recruiting agency with positions available on their website, including those out of the country.

5. You can now book a meeting with me, Eve, the founder, to get answers to any questions you might have.

6. For those who have a blog or a LinkedIn profile:

Write a blog post about us and receive 1 year free!
The blog post needs to be at least 300 words long.
The review needs to be factual (explaining how move2usajobs was used) and unique - not spam :-(
The blog needs to be active for at least one year
Or post about us on Linkedin and receive a 10% discount!

Some of our programs:

Study English in the USA, from $990

Get Training in the USA, from $2190

Study in a College or University in the USA, from $2195

Get a Hospitality Job in the USA, from $4390

Get a Job in the USA, H-1B visa, from $3290

Unskilled Job in the USA with a Green Card (EB-3 visa), from $3290

Please register for a free trial on Get it all!

Do you have a YouTube or TikTok channel or a blog?

Mention us and earn! Our affiliate program:
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