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Join date : 2023-04-27

news 18.11 Empty news 18.11

Sat Nov 18, 2023 9:48 pm
Our news for the week:

Our main news for today is that a wonderful lady Diana (@dianapaezoficial" target="_blank">, filmed a video(@dianapaezoficial/video/7299302115132902699" target="_blank"> about our job portal in Spanish on TikTok. She never contacted us before filming the video, and we also didn’t contact her. The video gathered 75k+ views, 1500+ shares, and 4500+ likes and inspired us to thank all our subscribers for being with us for one year we are online.

➡ Who is this competition for: everybody is accepted!
➡ What to do: mention us in your videos, social media, or blogs

✅ Prizes: according to the number of videos/blog/social media mention views, 1st place: 100$, 2nd place 50$, 3rd place 25$
✅ Prizes: 10000 views – yearly free access to our job portal, 1000 views – monthly free access to our job portal
✅ Prizes: for our existing customers: free courses on your YouTube, TikTok, and LinkedIn promotion
✅ Prizes: don’t forget about our affiliate program ( You can mention us and earn an affiliate commission!
✅ Prizes: Everyone who participates will get a certificate from us for being a valuable affiliate Partner. If you are considering becoming a paid influencer, it could be your first step towards this goal, or if you already are, we will be happy to share a recommendation letter for your future Partners.

➡ When will the results be available: we are accepting your content till the 23rd of December and on the 25th of December, we will publish the results.

For any questions and to provide links to your content, please get in touch with me at

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