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Join date : 2023-04-27

News 27.08 Empty News 27.08

Sun Aug 27, 2023 7:17 pm
Dear Subscribers,
Our news for the week:

1. We've started uploading a new course on US visas and how to immigrate to our YouTube channel. Please subscribe. The course will be updated weekly.

2. We've created a Forum section for feedback. Feel welcome to share it here

3. We've added a comments block to our blog. Feel free to read and comment here

4. Our Whatsapp phone number now is instantly shared on paid plan registration. Feel free to share any requests or concerns.

5. We know about many people in need without the ability to subscribe with us, so we created a form where you can submit your details and get sponsored by other people. Also one time in a month, we will be giving yearly access to one random person.

To get sponsored, fill out the form here

For sponsoring, the form is here

6. We have created an account with a platform for customer feedback and feature requests. Please find it here

7. We are making the apply button working for unskilled positions from the next week. Please push apply if you don't see the contact details at the end of the job description (in testing).

8. Our paid subscribers get:
Private free Whatsapp support for any question
Free help with future applications to get a green card via the Diversity Lottery
Free answers to any questions regarding immigration
Free resume check
Please register for a free trial on Get it all!

9. Do you have a YouTube or TikTok channel or a blog? Mention us and earn! Our affiliate program:

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